Feb 112010

Now, long range planning has always been a challenge with us Monsters. There’s something instinctive about “hey what about next weekend we.…”  and then we all start scrambling to clear schedules, family, work,…. and plan and pack and go. But, there are a few trips that have become annual “must do’s” and Monster sistah Kristen sees to it that we get some dates cleared well in advance for those. It might be a girl thing,….we’re not sure, but, it’s good because it always nails down a good fly-fishing trip the end of June.  So, four days during the last weekend in June have been locked in. Two possible locations have been tabled and will be discussed, with one being decided on this weekend during the Smeltapolooza expedition. One is a Monster favorite, and the other location is fairly new to us but sounds intriguing. Research has been conducted, various knowledgeable sources have been vetted and debriefed, aerial satellite reconnaissance is ongoing…

Spring 2010 flyfishing kick-off trip drop zone....

Potential 2010 End of June Fly-Fishing drop-zone. 

Long/lat coordinates have been left out just until this place passes muster– but feel free to guess for now.  As a side note for a future discussion: Geeking out with technology. You cant replace good old inside information, but topos, sat maps and handheld GPS units can kick things up big time. This is panned out a bit but at full drill down, I found some jeep paths, a few good places to pitch the tents, some rapids with “holes” -with approach trails….a couple of bodies.. and properly equipped, could drive/walk with hand held guidance right to within a few meters of any targeted spot….just sayin….

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